Tuesday, January 5, 2021



what ever you see in this image, whether the water as a mirror, or circles : half in the water-half above, or maybe you just see a bridge across a river in winter... however, it's a bit comperable with the current situation we are in. it's not so easy to see, either where we are now (in or out the water? on the bridge?) nor what will come next (up or down? right or not?). last year was very challenging and so much already changed; though i think it doesn't make much sense to only wait for that what was before. humans could only survive because they were flexible enough to learn from difficulties and develop ways to get out of them. how could we grow, if all would always remain the same? maybe it's just on time that things are changing, maybe this is the beginning of a new era?

as hard as it is for many of us (including me) - it is what it is. we shouldn't give up! rather trust in our flexibility and ability to be creative! and maybe we can find some good things in all that what happens. let's use our energy and take this chance to create our future!

with this in mind i wish you all a good new year: with confidence, a deep inner connection to others & to yourself and love   ....and a lot of courage :)    take care everybody!